
Considering recent events, it’s only appropriate to comment on Trump and his disgusting comments regarding women.

First of all, I should probably note that I’m surprised he’s getting much backlash at all. Not because he doesn’t deserve it, but because he’s rich and white and therefore people tend to excuse such behavior.

Of course, there are still the people who seem to think Trump’s comments should be dismissed as frivolous “locker room talk.” First off, this is such an irritating phrase. It implies that this type of lingo is okay in a locker room, which implies that male athletes (because apparently female athletes don’t use locker rooms?) are allowed to talk about sexual assault, which is absolutely never okay in our society. Oh wait, people seem to think that’s okay too. The same people who thought the Stanford swimmer should get off because he didn’t know better are the same people who think Trump should be allowed to “grab women by the pussies,” are the same people who say boys will be boys. And every single person who thinks that way are guilty of perpetuating sexual assault.

Straight up, if you’ve ever said that “boys will be boys” you can fuck right off right now.

Even more bizarre is the fact that some women are still voting for him. I thought female bodies had a way of shutting that whole thing down. But there are some who are still actively supporting him. One woman went so far as to say she “would think something was wrong with him” if her husband didn’t talk like that. What world do we live in that makes you feel like you not only need to stay married to a man who talks like a twelve year old insecure dickhead but also act as though you like it? Is it because it’s just a man thing like cars and trucks and math and science? Is rape just a thing boys do because they simply can’t repress their animalistic urges to stick their dicks anywhere they want any time? I know a lot of men who are way better than that. And some of them even spend time with women.

Personally, I hope Trump sticks his dick in a light socket and electrically castrates himself.

Recently, a courageous twitter movement emerged that shed light on how often women experience sexual assault, and therefore how legitimately violent Trump’s language was.  At minimum, 50 women told their stories every minute. The accounts covered sexual violence in a multitude of forms, but one of the most prominent commonalities was that, often, nobody listened or nobody cared. People blamed the victims, made excuses for the perpetrator, refused to believe the rape was “legitimate.”

If you vote for Trump, that’s exactly what you’re doing to an entire population of women that has already been silenced enough.

Consider the ways such violent verbiage will translate into the presidential office if he’s there. His fervent nationalistic pride will take on violent, almost sexual edge. Nearly every dictator that has ever existed has used their authority not only to violently repress their own people, but to take advantage of the sexual power their position offers them. Because those attitudes are intrinsically tied. If you vote for him, that blood is on your hands.

Good fucking luck.

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